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Danishkadah's Home - logo with ear, eye, wheelchair and brain image
Report Title -Seminar on economic empowerment of persons the disabilities   Report Title - Workshop on hearing loss   International day of Hear Card Day   Title CRPD Urdu translation .

Stories of PWDs

Photo of Miss.Huda Zahid
  1. Huda Zahid
  2. Kiran Baig
  3. Muhammad Akram
  4. Stories archive

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Place your company's ads here this is one way to support our mission of empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).

For detail contact info @ danishkadah.org.pk
Also see our wish list


story book's title

Danishkadah is an NGO with a difference. Danishkadah means "house of wisdom" a place to learn / where wisdom excels. Danishkadah was established to empower persons with disabilities and to work as a think-tank on disability related issues.

We at Danishkadah believe in inclusion and collaboration with all the segments of society, i.e. Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), government, universities, media, corporate sector and general society. Without such collaboration, the ultimate goal of "accessible, barriers-free, and right base society" cannot be achieved.

Read more about us or read our Story book.

Danishkadah's Contact

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/danish.kadah.7

Email: info (AT) danishkadah.org.pk

Phone: No voice call can be attended, commmunication in text message (SMS) possible

Featured people

Karina's Columns

Photo of Karina Karina has authored articles on themes of disability, minority participation, mass media, human rights education, culture and social inclusion. She is the only trainer with a disability in the international Trainers' Pool of the Council of Europe Youth Sector.

Rolling Rains Report:

Photo of Dr. Scott Scott Rains, D. Min. writes daily on travel and issues of interest to people with disabilities occurring in the tourism industry. His research on the topic of Universal Design and the travel and hospitality industry has included appointment as Resident Scholar at the Center for Cultural Studies of the University of California Santa Cruz (2004-05). He consultants globally on accessible travel & hospitality.

Events Happening

  1. IFHOH World Congress 2012

    Theme: -

    Dates: June 25-28, 2012

    Venue: Bergen, Norway

    Source: www.ifhoh.org

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  2. ALDAcon 2011

    Theme: -

    Dates: October 26 - 30, 2011

    Venue: Indianapolis, USA

    Source: www.alda.org

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    Theme: -

    Dates: November 29 - December 1, 2011

    Venue: Manila, Philippines

    Source: http://www.ncda.gov.ph/

    ( X )

Events happening Archive

International News

  1. DPI-Korea newsletter (March 31, 2011)
  2. USAID Request for Applications
  3. Contribute to the new World Bank Strategy for Social Protection

International News Archive

National News

  1. Pakistani's DPOs form a National Council
  2. PBM donated 2000 Wheelchairs to PWDs
  3. Education should be free for PWDs, said Minster Education

National News Archive


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